The National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology is pleased to invite sealed tenders from eligible suppliers holding valid Bhutanese trade license for the Annual Framework for the Financial Year 2019-2020:
1. Supply of Stationaries
2. Supply of Furniture
3. Supply of Electrical Components
4. Supply of Toner/Cartridge
5. Supply of Trekking and Camping Gear
6. Supply of Printing and Publication
7. Supply of Vehicle Spare Parts/Maintenance and Tyres
8. Supply of Computer and Peripherals
Click below for the SBD.
1. Stationaries
2. Furniture
3. Toner/ Catridge
4. Trekking and Camping Gear
5. Printing and Publication
6. Vehicle spareparts/ maintenance and Tyres
7. Computers and Peripherials
8. Electrical Components
Complete set bidding documents along with terms and conditions shall be downloaded from from 6 th July to 6 th August 2019. The sealed quotation should be submitted on 6 th August 2019 on or before 12:00 noon and shall open on the same day at 2:00 pm.