National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology

The National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology is pleased to invite sealed tenders from eligible suppliers holding valid Bhutanese trade license for the Annual Framework for the Financial Year 2019-2020:

1. Supply of Stationaries
2. Supply of Furniture
3. Supply of Electrical Components
4. Supply of Toner/Cartridge
5. Supply of Trekking and Camping Gear
6. Supply of Printing and Publication
7. Supply of Vehicle Spare Parts/Maintenance and Tyres
8. Supply of Computer and Peripherals

Click below for the SBD.

1. Stationaries
2. Furniture
3. Toner/ Catridge
4. Trekking and Camping Gear
5. Printing and Publication
6. Vehicle spareparts/ maintenance and Tyres
7. Computers and Peripherials
8. Electrical Components

Complete set bidding documents along with terms and conditions shall be downloaded from www.nchm.gov.bt from 6 th July to 6 th August 2019. The sealed quotation should be submitted on 6 th August 2019 on or before 12:00 noon and shall open on the same day at 2:00 pm.