National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology

National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) in partnership with

UNDP Bhutan

observed WMO Day on 23 March 2021 by organizing a half a day “Science Seminar”. Honourable Lyonpo Dr. Tandin Dorji, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Riyal Government of Bhutan graced the opening session as the Chief Guest.

Coinciding with WMO Day, the Center launched the four scientific reports

a. Bhutan State of the Climate 2020

b. Bhutan Glacial Lake Inventory 2021

c. Mass Balance Status of Glaciers of Bhutan Himalayas as observed on Gangju La and Thana Glacier.

d. Hydrograph Separation Using Geochemical and Isotopic Chemistry to Evaluate Glacier Melt Contributions to the Paa Chhu (River), Bhutan.